
Star Trek: Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier

Join me as I check out the first officially-licensed Star Trek role-playing game, 1978’s Star Trek: Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier from Heritage Models. So let’s set phasers to “review” and plot a course for adventure!


Clown Cops

Modern (comedic, crime)
Memento Mori Theatricks
Complexity: 2

That’s right, I’m reviewing another clown-themed game. In fact, I will not rest until I’ve reviewed every clown-themed role-playing game I can find.
On a related note, I will be resting after this because Clown Cops is the only other  clown-themed role-playing game I could find. It’s also one of the most eccentric I’ve encountered. And if you stop and consider the games I’ve reviewed, you may realize that “most eccentric” is a pretty bold claim for me to be making here. Also, it is very important to keep in mind while reading this review that this is a very real game, I am not just making this up. So get some milk and animal crackers and enjoy—no, seriously, those are required to play.



Apocalypse World

Second Edition
Lumpley Games
Complexity: 2 for players, 4 for GM

Now you may be thinking “Apocalypse World, that’s not very obscure,” and you’re right, but I have my reasons. I’ve been encountering a lot of games that are “powered by the apocalypse” and for the most part I’ve been avoiding reviewing due to a complete lack of familiarity with Apocalypse World. So to be a well-informed game reviewer I decided that I had to read it, and let’s be honest here, I’m not going to read a 300-page RPG that I have no intention to play and not even get any content out of it.
Also, this gon’ be a long one.



Modern (social)
Glass-Free* Games
Complexity: 1

Support is a game about boobs, or rather a game about people and their relationship with the boobs that they may or may not have. Now if you’re thinking that’s an oddly-specific focus for a role-playing game, and that’s only because it is. But “oddly-specific” is kinda like, one of the things I do here.
Also this is my 50th review, so that’s something.


[Slight Format Update]

I mentioned this in a previous review, but I'm tired of basically noting that there is nothing noteworthy in a particular rating category. So moving forward when I don't have anything to say, I'm not going to bother. So just consider a 3/5 with no write up to be "Game is acceptable, but unremarkable in this particular area."