
[Change in Ratings Format]

Hello all, I've decided to make a slight change in my rating and review format. Basically all that's changing is layout is being moved from the writing section to the art section--which has been re-titled "Presentation."
In this new format, the order in which content is presented will still be covered in the "Writing" section, but all aesthetic and readability qualities of layout--including use of tables, inclusion of helpful sidebars and summary pages, and things like typeface choice and column/page breaks--will be covered in the "Presentation" section. Also, I may now take cover art into consideration under Presentation--cover art was previously excluded from the "Art" score.
I've mainly done this in the interest of trying to keep my review scores semi-objective, as giving myself the authority to decide when art was "unnecessary" or "unreasonable to expect" is a little unfair. Also I've decided to be less generous in handing out N/A scores for Character Creation and Content. Specifically, anything where players need to make choices or rolls during character creation--or advancement--will now get a score, and "just make up your own stuff" will now get a 0/5.
I can't say how this is going to affect average scores, as it now makes it impossible to get an N/A score in a section in which a 0/5 is possible--and a lot of previous reviews did have an N/A in. Of reviews that I've updated to the new format, it has somewhat evenly raised and lowered scores. I'll most likely be updating the reviews for shorter--and lower scored--titles, and possibly the bigger, more in-depth ones eventually.


  1. I'd rather have you showing new reviews than updating your old ones. The most interesting part of this blog is to get to know new games.

    1. Well don't worry, updates won't be taking the place of new reviews, just updating the existing ones whenever I happen to get around to it.
